Friday 18 March 2016

The results of the writing competition for primary school students

Our school organized a writing competition for 6th-grade students from primary schools. The students were supposed to write a short essay on the following topic: " I am the most extraordinary person in the world and this is my day..." We would like to thank all the participants and their teachers for hard work. The choice was really difficult.
We are happy to inform you that we have decided to award two essays. The winner is Sylwia Materna (SP 43). We also awarded Piotr Kańtoch (SP 27).
Congratulations and keep writing - you are really good at it!

And these are the awarded essays. Enjoy reading :-)
Małgorzata Puderecka

Sylwia Materna
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 43 im. I.J. Paderewskiego w Lublinie
Nauczyciel prowadzący – Marta Lachowicz

My name is Tris. I live normally, but in fact I am an extraordinary person. I have a mark on my body that resembles a bird…
At midnight, of my sixteenth birthday, my mother woke me up. She told me an incredible story, that I could not believe.
Before sunset we went on a hill. I stood at the top, spread my arms and closed my eyes. When the sun was rising, suddenly I felt a strong pain in my arms. Immediately, some thoughts came to my mind, which combined all the strange facts of this day. It could be only one thing... I turned into a bird.

Piotr Kańtoch
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 27 im. Marii Montessori w Lublinie
Nauczyciel prowadzący: Anna Janota

I'm a shark man.
My day starts early in the morning when I run on the beach. Today, when I was running, I saw someone in the water, a child crying for help. I pressed the button on my suit and I jumped into the water. I changed into a blue shark. I saved the child and everyone was grateful.
As an extraordinary kid I go to an extraordinary school. My favourite subject is flying. We have special suits that allow us to fly over the clouds.
Later, I have an ordinary dinner with my extraordinary family. We talk about our day. The person whose story is the most ordinary, cleans the dishes.
At night I dream about future adventures.

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